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Racing shock absorber shaft

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Racing shock absorber shaft

  • Detailed introduction

Racing shock absorber shaft installation

1. During the installation of the shock absorber shaft of the racing car, do not hit the surface of the shock absorber cylinder with metal heavy objects, and forcefully pull the dust cover welded outside the shock absorber.

2. Using a shock absorber with a taper rubber pad to isolate the diaphragm, apply a pad to press the taper rubber pad section of the inner hole at both ends of the ring.

3. The surface of the rubber parts equipped with the shock absorber must not be damaged during the installation (such as buffer sleeve combination, etc.)

4. After the shock absorber is installed, the connection part should be screwed according to the specified torque requirements of the vehicle to ensure that the connection part is securely fastened, no looseness, and anti-rust paint should be applied to the fastening part.

Key word:Racing shock absorber shaft

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