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Dongguan Longfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Lai

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CNC centerless grinding machine

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CNC centerless grinding machine

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  • Date of release:2024-10-28 18:23:58
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CNC centerless grinding machine features

1. CNC centerless grinding machine explores the sand and adjusts the wheel to feed the shaft in the direction of symmetry. With the key and the designed large-length long-feeding and receiving mechanism, it can grind the large bar with the outer diameter of 230mm. There is no need to adjust the delivery mechanism after the sand and the wheel are consumed. Significantly increase production efficiency.

2. The grinding wheel spindle is probed with high hydrostatic bearing, which can carry heavy load and can be heavy-cut, which can effectively reduce the wear and keep the spindle running. High precision and long life.

3. The CNC centerless grinder can be controlled with CNC, and the program controls the feeding and sand repair to achieve the function of automation. Improve work efficiency and the stability of Kui Pin.

4. Sand and wheel axle feeds are made of high-precision linear roller slide rails and (I-class ball guide screw), and stepped on the beveled ball bearing pre-tensioned nut.

The address:http://www.longfengmachine.com/products/28.html

Key word:CNC centerless grinding machine

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